         Thinking about changing jobs?

Preparation for a Job Change

November 21st, 2013 by Russ Bray

Smiling businessman leaving his company as he has been fired Making a job change can be one of the most difficult decisions we have to make in our lives. It does not have to be as difficult as most people make it though. Much of the stress is due to a lack of preparation. What happens very often is the ball will start rolling very quickly once that first interview takes place. Individuals often start preparing once they anticipate an offer of employment and that is far too late in the process. At that point they feel overwhelmed. Here are 6 tips for making the change a smoother transition.

1.) Make sure you can set aside some time during the business day for phone calls. HR personnel and hiring managers are not always able to make evening calls. Return all calls, texts, and emails that are related to job search within 24 hours. Forward emails to your mobile device if possible. If you are unable to communicate for a few days make sure the parties that are helping you are aware of this. No response can make a bad first impression.

2.)  Make sure you really want to leave your current employer. Hopefully, you have had more than one talk with your boss about your dissatisfaction and you are sure that no other opportunities exist internally that would meet your objective. When you give your notice, you want to feel comfortable that you have exhausted your options. If your boss comes back to you with a counter offer you will immediately know that it is only a short-term fix for their problem. You are leaving and that does create a problem. Accepting a counter offer rarely works in your favor in the long term and you tend to “burn a bridge” with the company making you the job offer if you accept one. Read the rest of this entry »

Basic Interviewing Tips

November 21st, 2013 by Russ Bray

Happy businessman outside officePlease take a few moments to read these suggestions. These tips are for your benefit. Remember the purpose of going on an interview is to get an offer. You cannot accept or decline what you do not have.

1.) If traveling always carry a credit card. Sometimes arrangements between clients and hotels, rental car firms and airlines go awry.

2.) Always dress for success (a business suit or business casual) unless instructed otherwise. You only have one chance to put your best foot forward. Regarding jewelry items, colognes, perfumes – wear as little as possible. Be well rested and put your mobile device in silent mode during the interview.

3.) If something delays your arrival to the interview be sure to let the interviewer know..

Check to make sure you have necessary contact numbers. The worst scenario is that you’re running late, and no one hears from you. Read the rest of this entry »

Insights to the Interview Agenda

November 21st, 2013 by Russ Bray

Three heads are the best There are typically three questions that must be answered at any interview. Savvy candidates consider their responses carefully.

1. Is this person competent for the position?

2. Is this person like us – will he or she fit in here?

3. Will this person stay with us?

Competent for the position

The interviewer is obviously looking for a technically qualified person that can do the job. But he looks only as far as he must in this direction. If you are interviewing for a Process Engineering position, that should be your focus. It will not do any good to dwell on what a marvelous supervisor you could be. The employer looks for someone who can and wants to do what he needs done. Appearing overqualified is just as bad as appearing under qualified. Job offers are usually made because of something other than just your qualifications. You get the offer by selling yourself and your attitudes. The employer is looking for optimistic statements and positive reactions to his questions. Pessimism and negativism never won a job offer. Enthusiasm counts! Read the rest of this entry »

Five Steps For a Successful Phone Interview

November 11th, 2013 by Russ Bray

Businessman1. Prepare Yourself

Conduct the phone interview in a location where you will not be interrupted. Have your resume and any other notes handy and be prepared to cover questions referencing it. Make sure you have allocated adequate time for the interview. It may help to write down a success or two as well as a failure and what you might have learned from it.

2. Show enthusiasm

A positive attitude can go a long way in your marketing efforts. This is your opportunity to shine on the phone, so take full advantage. Now it is time to put on your “game face, join the conversation with enthusiasm (not cockiness) and demonstrate the conviction that you are a top candidate for this job. Do not make negative statements about past employers or employees.

3. Speak clearly, listen and answer carefully

Remember you are being judged on your communication skills and time is limited. The interviewer may want to know if you can effectively communicate with his team. Do not speak too fast, particularly if you have an accent, and remember to speak clearly and concisely.

One of the major complaints from employers about candidates is that too often the candidate does not answer the question being asked or they stray from the question and start talking about other accomplishments that have nothing to do with the question. Since you are on the phone, this is especially critical because you don’t have the advantage of visual cues such as eye contact or body language. Listen carefully to the question being asked and answer that question only. Do not ramble or try to anticipate the next question, or you may talk your way out of the next step — a possible job interview. Let the interviewer initiate any casual conversation and keep your answers to those questions brief. It is okay to pause for a second before answering a question. Think before you reply. Save your own questions for the end of the interview process. Read the rest of this entry »

Tips on Relocating When You Make a Career Move

November 11th, 2013 by Russ Bray

moving house1.   Obtain a market analysis on current home to make fact-based decisions

2.  Explore alternative housing options (keeping, leasing, refinancing)

3. Talk with mortgage companies to uncover creative programs

4. Establish realistic relocation costs for a move. What will you need?

5. Discuss with family the impact of relocation, separation, etc.

6. Develop creative marketing solutions for home buyers: staging & buyer  incentives

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